Meet the Needs Coaching is limited to 8 spots and registration will close when filled. Seats go on sale Aug 15th at Midnight.

Meet the Needs Coaching

This coaching experience is unlike any other teacher professional development—it's all about your personal growth, with your classroom as the ultimate arena.


being in your classroom, afternoon sunlight turns the room golden, you hear students discussing a question, see others building dioramas, another group of students huddle together giggling as they write a play, and you are knelt down helping a very sweet student that struggled with getting started.

Oh, and at the end of the day you feel energized and excited for tomorrow, smiling to yourself as you think about the funny discussions you had that day…

Being in your classroom can feel like this.

Meet the Needs Coaching - Teaching To A Riot

It's all about:

  • the way you create and deliver instruction
  • the way you think about behavior
  • the way you think about yourself as a leader, your classroom as a community, and your students as engineers of their learning
  • what you choose to spend your time and energy on

This is where your teaching practice has the most opportunity for long term positive change.

This is where you will build on your and your students’ motivation.

And this is also where you will have the most powerful impact on the world.

Now Imagine...

having the power to set and achieve the goals you've always dreamed of.

Picture yourself recognizing and breaking unhelpful habits, replacing them with positive and productive ones.

Envision the path your life could take when you have the confidence and belief that you can achieve anything you dedicate your time and energy to.

This is The Meet the Needs Coaching Experience

Over 14 weeks, you'll learn how to set goals, build good habits, and prevent behavior problems in your classroom.

These lessons combine basic psychology with easy-to-use teaching techniques to help you set and achieve goals.

What you learn can also be used in your life outside of school. You'll know how to set personal goals, understand your habits, and reach those goals. Instead of dealing with the same problems over and over, you'll learn how to solve them for good.

Watch the 3 Transformations!

Meeting your needs and your students' needs—this is what it looks like.

Over the 14 week coaching experience you will:

🐐 Learn how to set and reach goals in efficient ways that sustain motivation and lead to follow through

📅 Meet live every week, to receive specific trouble shooting, training, and wrap yourself in a small community of like minded educators. 

💆‍♀️ Ask and receive advice anytime in a community forum to boost your confidence and make next day adjustments.

💬 Message me Mon-Thurs so I can guide you through implementation and encourage your growth.

📗 A workbook that guides you through your coaching journey and teaches you how to goal set, measure, and reflect so that you can keep on growing

And you will get plenty of bonus goodies to make the experience extra special:

🎯 A 45 min 1:1 call with me every month

📦 The Neurodivergent and ADHD Bundle

📆 Weekly videos, podcast episodes, and juicy reading to maximize your growth

📜 Lesson plans and printables

💻 Access to all my previous trainings and workshops 

🗣️ HEFTY discounts to future workshops and trainings

Watch What to Expect!

Seats Go on Sale Aug 15th

Meet the Needs coaching opens for purchase on August 15th and will close once all 8 spots are filled. If you want to secure your spot early, fill out the application below, and I'll reach out to you to get started!

Want A Sample?

Download the Goal Setting Workbook, included in the Coaching Workbook, here:

Free Goal Setting Workbook Free!